in their shoes: Lissa E

Each week, we'll be profiling members of our action team. Tune in and learn some more about these amazing womyn.

In Their Shoes: Lissa E

Q1: Who are you? Describe your work, life, and sport of choice.

I’m Lissa Einhorn and I live in Annapolis, MD along with my cat, Rufus. When I’m not out training for a half or full marathon, I work in government affairs, am at my kickboxing gym, or out exploring and trying new foods. My long-term goal is to one day work as a women’s rights lobbyist. 

Q2: What is your sport of choice? How did you get started with it? Do you compete in races, if so what's your favorite distance?

I was a little late to the running game and didn’t start until after I graduated college. My mom signed me up to run my first half marathon with her, the National Women’s Half Marathon in D.C., and that was the exact motivation I needed to get started and I haven’t stopped running since then! My goal is now to run a half marathon in every state and the six major marathons. I love the marathon distance for how much it pushes you and for how much it proves to the world what you’re capable of.  

Q3: What is your driving force behind your sport?

Running started out as exercise for me, but since then, it’s morphed into more of a stress releaser and a mood booster. Even tough runs have the ability to turn a whole day around and leave you feeling accomplished.

Q4: What are three words that people use to describe you?

Bubbly, passionate, and honest

Q5: What is your favorite thing to listen to while working out (music, podcast, audiobook, etc)...or do you prefer to go without headphones?

Lately, I’ve been jamming to Hamilton or listening to Brene Brown’s Unlocking Us podcast. 

Q6: What is your favorite meal or recipe?

I love food but I am NOT a cook so I end up ordering out just a little too much, with Indian food usually being my go to. If you have any easy vegetarian recipes, DM me on Instagram (@lissaclairee) and let me know! 

Q7: Name a book you recommend to all your friends?

For all my running friends, Running with a Police Escort: Tales from the Back of the Pack by Jill Grunenwald. This book had me laughing, inspired, and motivated when I was off for a few months from a stress injury. 

Q8: What is your secret pleasure TV show to indulge in?

Quarantines has resulted in me trying out LOTS of new shows – I binged all of Tiny Pretty Things in one day, am shamefully in love with Too Hot To Handle, and have watched both Full House and Fuller House too many times to count. 

Q9: Last question - what are your favorite workout shoes?

I’m loyal to Brooks and started in Ravenna’s; now, I’ll swap between those and Adrenalines. 

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UR Enough Surprise Box - Koala Clip
UR Enough Surprise Box - Koala Clip
UR Enough Surprise Box - Koala Clip
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